Webinar 23rd July 2024 7pm

Understanding and working with Predation
Tracey McLennan

Predatory behaviour can be a huge challenge for dog training and behaviour practitioners. Frequently dogs will choose opportunities to perform predatory behaviour over anything that we may use to reinforce recalls or any other trained behaviour. That internal desire that dogs have to behave like predators is what creates the challenge for practitioners helping their clients.

This webinar will cover how to rule in or out predatory behaviour including discussing situations where anxiety or aggression may look like predatory behaviour and whether or not there is a correlation between predation and risk to humans.

It will also cover techniques to help clients in living with their predatory dogs so that it stops being such a huge problem for them. This will focus on managing the behaviour in outdoor environments where there is a lack of control over prey animals. As part of that I will discuss breed specific approaches and what, if any, science there is supporting them.

🐶 General public £35
🐶 ABTC members £25 (your PO will provide you with a discount code)
🐶 TCBTS members Free of charge

Webinar will be recorded

Click here to book: https://sowl.co/uceKn




Play your way to resilience in dogs, the application and the science
with speaker KATHY MURPHY

SUNDAY 22nd October 2023 10am - 2pm Online

The neurobiology of resilience (the ability to cope with and adapt to physiological and psychological stress) is a complex and multifaceted topic that involves many different brain regions, neural circuits, and molecular pathways.

One key aspect of resilience is the ability of the brain to regulate stress responses. This webinar will explore chronic or severe stress and the effect this has on the brain, nervous system and specifically dysregulation of the HPA axis.

Resilient individuals have been shown to have a more flexible and adaptive stress response system, which may help protect against the negative effects of chronic stress. Play and social behaviour are important tools for inducing the necessary neurobiological changes needed for developing and maintaining resilience in dogs via a sense of agency over their environment, learning how to overcome obstacles, adapt to new situations, find creative solutions to challenges, read and respond to social cues, resolve conflicts, stay physically fit and mentally stimulated and build positive relationships.

Join us for this unique exploration of the neurobiology of play and resilience. We will focus on the practical application of play as a tool to build resilience at different life stages and in different situations or family environments.


Recording available to purchase and view until end of November 2024

Recording £60

 Click here to purchase recording




TCBTS 2022 Online Conference

Impulsivity and Frustration in Dogs: Understanding Principles and Applying Them to Practice
with Helen Zulch

Part 1:November 6th  2022 10am-2pm
Part 2:November 13th 2022 10am-2pm

An accurate assessment of the underlying cause of behaviour is key to constructing an appropriate intervention when we would like to change that behaviour. Understanding aspects such as emotion, motivation and temperament, as well as being able to measure them can help us to make more precise behavioural assessments. This conference will consider the development and use of some behaviour measurement instruments pertaining to temperament and affect before considering in more detail two of these; impulsivity and frustration. After covering theoretical aspects, their application in clinical behaviour will be discussed.
Day 1 Summary:
The day will start by considering the range of influences on behaviour and present an overview of the contextual, motivational, emotional approach to clinical behaviour. Different ways of assessing behaviour will then be covered before the development and use of psychometric scales for assessing affect, impulsivity and frustration is discussed.

Day 2 Summary:
After a consideration of background theory pertaining to impulsivity and self control as well as frustration, the day will focus on what this means for the practice of clinical behaviour. We will consider how being impulsive or intolerant of frustration may impact on behaviours shown as well as treatment decisions. Finally, we will consider whether or not we can build self control and frustration tolerance in animals.

Helen Zulch

Helen is a veterinarian, a Diplomat of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine and a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognised Specialist in Behavioural Medicine. She is currently the Head of Professional Development in Canine Behaviour at Dogs Trust where she has responsibility for staff education and professional development in dog behaviour and training. She is also a Visiting Fellow in the School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, UK and an Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, UK. Helen worked in a range of areas of veterinary medicine before moving into companion animal behaviour in 1998. She has lectured on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in South Africa and in the UK and co-developed the University of Lincoln MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour, a programmethat she led for a number of years. She has spent many years consulting for pet owners and engaging with research across a range of areas in animal behaviour, learning and cognition. She is a speaker at national and international events, has authored books and book chapters as well as scientific articles and was instrumental in developing the Life Skills for Puppies programme

TCBTS WEBINAR: Understanding and Applying the LIMA Approach

to Animal Behaviour & Training

With Helen Zulch 

Tuesday 23rd November 2021 7pm

When developing a training or treatment plan for any animal, it is important to ensure that it is targeted to the individual and the social and environmental system in which they live. In addition, it is essential that the approach and techniques prescribed are evidence based and chosen to maximise welfare and minimise risk to the patient and all other individuals coming into contact with them. This talk will explain how I approach patient care and animal training from a "least intrusive, minimally aversive" perspective


Identifying Traumatised Dogs and How to Support Them

with speakers
Debbie Busby & Amber Batson

17th October 2021 – Part 1 – 10am-2pm – Debbie Busby
7th November 2021 – Part 2 – 10am-2pm – Amber Batson

A fascinating and revealing exploration into the major impacts of PTSD in dogs and what differentiates this from other anxiety disorders and conditions. Our speakers will examine strategies that best support the PTSD dog and owner, from behaviour modification to medication.
Debbie will introduce PTSD and explore research on humans and dogs suffering from this disorder. Her presentation will include differences between post trauma stress and post traumatic stress disorder, behavioural differentials that might need to be ruled out, how PTSD might be experienced by dogs including behavioural signs and how to differentiate this behaviourally from other disorders. She will also include treatment strategies for dogs with PTSD, including approaches to training and the impact on the owner of secondary trauma experienced by care givers in response to how they feel about the trauma their dog has had.
Amber will discuss veterinary differentials that need to be ruled out before concluding the dog is suffering from PTSD, the neurobiology of trauma, the effects of the environment on trauma neurobiology, medications and how these can be used to help with recovery from trauma