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Merry Christmas From The Board

22/12/2021 - Latest News

Although 2021 has had it's difficulties for all of us, we certainly have
been busy! Demands for our canine services have increased dramatically
and it is no different here at TCBTS. We have been beavering away all
year (where has the year gone!?!) and a very successful year it has been.

We launched our brand new website complete with a new logo, our online
conference with Debbie Busby and Amber Batson was very well attended and
both presentations were outstanding. Helen Zulch did us proud with a
thought provoking dive into LIMA and not to mention our many member only zoom
sessions where we discuss either particular topics or go through recent
cases. The free case study sessions still prove to be very popular with
all levels of membership, it's great to share our individual experiences
and learn about different ways to approach issues.

We also re-launched our ABTC ATI assessment scheme, which incorporates both a
written and practical aspect, and successfully ran our first assessment

Finally, a real highlight to the year is we were thrilled to see several
of our members pass assessment and become ABTC registered Clinical Animal Behaviourists,
Huge congratulations to you all!

Our membership has grown and continues to be a real safe haven for
support, education and friendship. The Board look forward to making
TCBTS bigger and better still over the coming 12 months.

For now it's time to relax and take stock, we would like to wish everyone

Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year.

