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Back to School Separation changing routines and their impact on your dog

20/08/2021 - Latest News

Back to School – Separation, changing routines and their impact on your dog
Hi All, It’s that time again – summer is almost over, the kids are going back to school, work is getting busier and our dogs will be adjusting to the change in routine too. All of a sudden the family is away more and our dogs need to cope with spending more time alone.
Dogs are very social animals; they thrive on company and social interaction. Its no surprise really, as they have ‘evolved’ over thousands of years to live and work alongside us. Our modern lives can mean we are away from home for hours at a time, something some dogs find very difficult to cope with. In some dogs, separation triggers an instinctive fear response – they are terrified of being alone and only feel safe when their human family is present. So how can we tell if a dog is uncomfortable, or even scared of spending time alone?
Important signs to look for are:

  • Barking, Crying, Whining or howling
  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Drooling
  • Toileting
  • Chewing items, especially items that smell like you

You might not know your dog offers these behaviours when you leave, or you might have a calmer that you can watch or neighbours who report barking. For others, it may be that you come home to a mess of chewed items or toilet accidents. If your dog shows any of these signs, the best thing you can do is seek professional help from a qualified Canine Behaviourist to help you to help your dog. Remember, separation anxiety is a complex behavioural concern that is based in fear – fear of being without their family group and is a problem that does not resolve on its own. Importantly, your dog is not choosing to feel this way and does not mean to exhibit these behaviours. Patience and understanding will be required to help your dog through this problem.  Check out our list of accredited Behaviorists here if you think you might need to help your dog:  https://www.tcbts.co.uk/find-a-trainer/
Have a puppy? Start separation training now – its never too early to begin positive training to help your dog habituate to spending time alone. It’s an essential life skill that can take time to develop. Get in touch with a qualified TCBTS Dog Trainer now: https://www.tcbts.co.uk/find-a-trainer/
